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What is Hands Only CPR?

Hands Only CPR Video
What is hands-only CPR is a question asked by many. It’s essentially CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths. Bystander preparedness is important if they witness a teen or adult collapse. Hands-only CPR is more effective than conventional CPR in such cases. Over the years, there have been many advancements and changes in CPR training. While most of us recognize CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths, it hasn’t always been this way.
Over the years, there have been several methods, including attaching someone to horses or barrels, to treat adults who suddenly collapse without a pulse or who are unable to breathe. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is still a significant concern that claims several lives. Hands-only CPR is one of the preferred techniques to revive someone to realize that the real power is in your hands when you encounter someone collapsing and unable to breathe again.

One of the more recent advancements in CPR training is hands-only CPR, which, as the name suggests, removes the mouth-to-mouth breaths from the equation and requires only chest compressions when an adult suddenly collapses. In 2008, the American Heart Association officially released its recommendation for shifting to hands-only CPR from conventional CPR. Since then, this method has become a critical component of CPR training and certification.

Here at the American Health Care Academy, we believe that everyone should have the skills and confidence to assist someone in a medical emergency before calling 911. Anybody can be a lifesaver if they are trained in CPR. That’s why we offer affordable and convenient online CPR training courses that can be taken 100 percent online and completed at your pace.

In this blog post, we delve into the topic of hands-only CPR, one of the most recent advancements in life-saving procedures. We also explain why it is crucial to consider getting trained in CPR and how it can help you save someone’s life. Finally, we discuss the benefits of obtaining your CPR certification online, as it makes learning these essential skills more convenient, faster, and easier than ever before.

What is Hands-Only CPR?

CPR has come a long way since the bellows method and open-heart massages. While a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths is the most recognizable form of CPR, many CPR certification programs are advocating for a switch to hands-only CPR.

Hands-only CPR was formally adopted by many organizations in the early 2000s, and it focuses solely on providing chest compressions. This approach has several benefits. It reduces the time of the procedure, and when performed properly, gets the heart beating faster.

Restarting the heart quicker is critical because the brain can become oxygen-starved and damaged within just minutes without the heart circulating blood and oxygen throughout the body.

Additionally, many bystanders may avoid performing CPR due to the fear of contracting a disease from mouth-to-mouth resuscitation contact. While these fears have been proven false through scientific studies, the myth still prevents many from taking action in the event of an emergency.

Hands-only CPR bypasses these concerns entirely. To better understand this CPR technique, we’ve provided the steps to performing hands-only CPR below:

  1. Kneel beside the victim and make sure they’re lying on a flat surface.
  2. Gently press the heel of your hand fast in the center of the chest, right below the breastbone.
  3. Press your other hand on top of the other and interlace your fingers
  4. Shift your body so your arms are straight, and your shoulders are aligned with your hands.
  5. Push hard and fast—make your chest compressions at least two inches deep at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.
  6. Continue administering chest compressions, allowing the chest to rise after each compression until medical help arrives.

When to perform CPR?

Even if you know how to perform CPR, many bystanders are still unsure exactly when to perform CPR on a victim. This hesitancy to act can have devastating effects. According to reports, only about half of cardiac arrest victims receive bystander CPR, which drastically improves their chance of survival.

When determining whether or not to administer CPR on an accident victim, there are three primary signs you should look for. If the victim is unconscious, not responding to verbal cues, or unable to breathe, you should immediately begin CPR until medical assistance arrives. In some cases, the victim of a cardiac arrest episode will be able to breathe, although only sporadically. In these cases, you should still provide CPR as soon as possible.

Why should you learn CPR?

Learning CPR is one of the most effective ways for a bystander to take action and save a life at the scene of a medical emergency. Whether the victim is suffering from cardiac arrest, heart attack, drowning, or choking, CPR can provide life-sustaining assistance during the vital moments before medical professionals arrive.

For victims of cardiac arrest, this short window of time is especially critical. Just minutes without oxygen circulating to the brain and vital organs can cause permanent, life-threatening damage.

In fact, studies show that the victim’s survival rate decreases by 7 to 10 percent for every minute that passes if they don’t receive CPR after cardiac arrest. According to a 2014 report, roughly 45 percent of cardiac arrest victims who received bystander CPR survived. Imagine the survival rate if every individual had the skills, knowledge, and confidence to perform CPR in the event of an emergency.

Benefits of online CPR certification

Whether you’re a medical professional who needs CPR certification/recertification or you simply want to learn an important life-saving technique, you can learn these skills without leaving the comfort of your own home and learn at your own pace. Many high-quality training programs offer 100 percent online CPR training courses. Here are some of the primary benefits of online CPR certification:

1. Fast

An online course is a way to go if you need CPR certification or recertification. You won’t need to wait for classes or an open registration period—online CPR classes are available now, and it takes just a few clicks to get started. Once enrolled, some even complete their course within a matter of hours.

2. Convenient

The convenience offered by a 100 percent online CPR course is difficult to match. These classes fit your life and schedule, meaning you can learn at your own pace. Online courses also allow you to start and stop the program whenever you need. This is especially beneficial for working professionals who are trying to fit these classes into their busy schedules.

3. Affordable

In addition to the speed and convenience of online CPR classes, many are surprised to learn their affordability. Without the costs of renting classrooms and hiring instructors, online courses can pass the savings on to you. Additionally, you have the option to bundle classes, like a combination course in First Aid and CPR, which saves you both time and money.

Conclusion – What is Hands-only CPR?

Every year in the United States, over 356,000 cardiac arrest episodes occur outside of a hospital. In these moments, the actions of a bystander can make all the difference. When the heart stops beating or the victim is unable to breathe every second count, and that’s why your actions could save a life.

Hands-only CPR is the latest advancement in this life-saving procedure and has been proven to be effective. By removing rescue breaths, this method focuses on chest compressions that keep the heart pumping blood and oxygen throughout the victim’s body.

In a CPR training class, you’ll learn this and many other skills so that you have the knowledge and skills to take action in an emergency. With 100 percent online courses, it’s never been easier to receive your CPR certification or CPR recertification.

American Health Care Academy is dedicated to equipping as many people as possible with the skills necessary to save a life in the event of a medical emergency. We have certified over 700,000 students in the past 11+ years, and we look forward to working with you next.

For more information, check out our CPR AED certification online, including programs in First Aid, CPR, and CPR/AED. Feel free to reach out with questions at any time. We can be reached at 1-888-277-7865.
