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The Complete Guide To CPR Certification

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What will you do if faced with the challenge of saving someone who is choking or in cardiac arrest? Statistics show that you won’t feel comfortable providing assistance.

A study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic found that under 50% of bystanders would feel comfortable administering CPR to a victim. The good news is, you can get your CPR certification online and complete your course at your own pace.

American Health Care Academy offers online CPR/AED certification classes that give you instant access to your certification. This blog discusses what students learn in our online and blended learning classes. Don’t delay any longer. Join American Health Care Academy today, and sharpen your life-saving skills.

What Is CPR Certification?

CPR certification refers to medical procedures and techniques designed to provide life-saving measures in times of cardiac emergencies such as cardiac arrest and stroke. Most CPR certifications also include Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and First-Aid training.

Online CPR certification offers courses that provide preparation and training for healthcare and other professionals. These courses ensure medical professionals have the necessary skills and knowledge to act during emergencies.

Deciding on where to get your CPR certification depends on your needs. Some professions require more advanced medical response training, such as Basic Life Support. Basic Life Support steps are more intensive than CPR steps, and the course also shows you how to perform CPR in teams. You also have to decide which certification class type best fits your schedule.

CPR certifications come in online, in-person, and blended models. If you have the time, in-person classes give you the most hands-on experience and training. However, if you need to learn at your own pace and still want the hands-on experience an in-person class gives you, blended learning opportunities are most likely your best option.

Essential Equipment For CPR Certification

Luckily, CPR certification doesn’t require you to purchase any expensive equipment. The only equipment knowledge you need involves using an automated external defibrillator.

More and more public places are implementing AEDs.  However, you should consider putting one in your home or office since 10,000 SCAs occur in the office every year, and only about 50% of people can locate an AED while they’re at work. Additionally, 69.5 % of all SCAs occur within private residences.

The Good Samaritan Law

Many people may feel reluctant to get their CPR certification because they fear legal repercussions if they can’t save the victim. However, the United States has a Good Samaritan Law that protects responders from repercussions if they can’t save the victim.

The law defines a “Good Samaritan” as any citizen attempting to help someone in an emergency, regardless of their training. They offer this assistance without any expectation or desire for reimbursement. Thus, when you apply your first-aid or CPR certification skills to someone in need, you don’t have to fear legal repercussions.

Does CPR Certification Require Mouth-To-Mouth?

CPR certifications include mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but more and more authorities are deciding that it’s not nearly as critical as chest compressions. CPR certifications teach you both procedures, but even if you don’t have your CPR certification and find yourself in a cardiac arrest emergency, you should perform chest compression-only CPR.

Can I Retake My CPR Certification Exam Until I Pass?

Yes. When you sign up for an online CPR certification class at American Health Care Academy, we make sure you leave with a CPR certification. You can take your time passing the course at your pace without feeling overwhelmed or pressured.

When Will I Get Proof of My CPR Certification?

Employers often require proof of certification. Because of this, American Health Care Academy gives you immediate access to your credentials. Review your exam, print your certification, or download a digital copy and present it to your employer. You shouldn’t have to wait to prove your CPR certified.

Who Needs Their CPR Certification?

For obvious reasons, medical professionals need their CPR certification. However, considering the current shortage of bystanders who can administer CPR to cardiac arrest victims, the more people who get their CPR certification, the more lives we can save.

That’s why everyone needs their CPR certification. It’s somewhat of a civic responsibility. How would you feel if a loved one lost their life because no one had the skills or experience to step up during a cardiac arrest emergency?

What Does CPR Certification Cover?

CPR certification covers adult, child, and infant CPR. It also teaches you how to use an AED and assist when someone is choking on food.

Steps For Adult CPR

The following steps describe how to perform CPR on an adult.

  1. Assess the scene’s safety- check the area for safety hazards that may be harmful to you or the victim.
  2. Check the victim’s responsiveness- Shout at the victim and ask if they are “OK.”
  3. Look for normal breathing.
  4. Call for 9-1-1- If you don’t receive a response, call 9-1-1 and try to send someone else to find an AED.
  5. Begin CPR- Perform 30 chest compressions at 100 BPM. Then give the patient two rescue breaths. Check for responsiveness and repeat until medical attention or AED arrives.

Performing CPR

  1. Press down hard in the center with one hand over the top the other, fingers interlaced.
  2. Chest compression should be 2-2½ inches deep.
  3. Allow for chest recoil between each compression.

Steps To Help a Choking Adult/Child

  1. Give continuous abdominal thrusts.
    1. Place a fist with the thumb side against the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel.
    2. Cover your fist with the other hand.
  2. Continue thrusts until:
    1. You force the object out.
    2.  The adult/child can breathe normally.
    3. The adult/child becomes unconscious. Call 911 immediately.

Steps To Performing CPR On a Child

The steps for performing CPR on a child are mostly the same as they are for adults. However, you should start performing CPR immediately on children instead of calling 911. You switch these steps because children are more likely to respond to CPR than adults.

Steps To Helping A Choking Child

The steps to assist a choking child are the same as they are for adults.

Steps To Performing CPR On an Infant

The steps to CPR for infants are the same as they are for children. However, there are a few variances for children that we need to discuss. The primary difference between adult CPR and infant CPR is that the chest compressions are shallower- they only need to be 1 ½” deep.

Steps To Helping a Choking Infant

The steps to responding to a choking infant are entirely different than those for responding to a choking adult.

  1. Hold the infant in one hand on their belly with their face down, keeping their airway open.
  2. Give the infant five firm back blows with the heel of the hand between their shoulders.

AED Training

Before using an AED, make sure the area is dry. If it is not, move the patient to a drier area. Once in a safe location, turn on the AED. Once the AED is on, it will issue instructions on the steps you need to perform. If the instructions aren’t verbal, you can find them printed on the side of the machine.

You will need to expose the victim’s chest and make sure it is dry and has all hair removed. Having too much hair will impede the electrodes’ connection with the victim’s skin.  After ensuring an optimal connection, you can place the electrode pads on the person’s chest.

One pad should go on the right side of their chest, close to the center. The other should be below the opposite nipple, on the left portion of the ribcage. Remove any metal objects from the victim’s skin like jewelry or underwire bras. The victim can sustain burns if these materials are on their person at the time of shock.

AED Shock Delivery

One of the great aspects of AEDs is that it analyzes the patient’s heart and lets you know if the patient needs a shock. Once it analyzes the heart’s rhythm, you can press the “shock” button to deliver the shock.

Conclusion- The Complete Guide To CPR Certification

Now that you know an overview of CPR certification course material, it’s time to hone your skills. Learning how to perform CPR and AED isn’t a one-time experience. Guidelines change and retention wanes.

Studies have shown that bystander CPR skills decrease significantly within a year of certification. Regardless of whether you have your certification or you’re just starting, the need for more CPR-certified individuals is apparent.

Under 50% of people who experience a cardiac emergency receive the help they deserve. Will you be able to rise to the challenge if the time comes and save a life?

American Health Care Academy is here for all of your CPR certification and CPR re-certification needs. Our online courses have helped thousands of bystanders sharpen their skills and provide life-saving medical attention. Register now and learn how you can improve your life-saving skills.
