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5 Definitive Steps for Administering Basic Life Support to Adults

Steps In Giving Basic Life Support

Each second counts when the heart stops beating. Only 56.89 percent can successfully perform Basic Life Support (BLS), a vital skill that can double the survival rates. Here, we will look at the five sure-shot steps of administering BLS to adults that make you a rescuer. But remember that your timely response might be a matter of life or death. Therefore, stay tuned as we equip you with the skills to help save a precious life. Given that in a world of uncertainties, one should always be very prepared. Learn how to do BLS step by step.

What Should You Do First When Encountering an Unresponsive Individual?

When encountering an unresponsive individual, your initial reaction may be panic. However, it is crucial to remain calm and act instantly. Learn the primary BLS steps here:

  • Ensure Your Safety: Check the surroundings to see if it is safe for you and them before going close by. You’re afraid of becoming a victim yourself by walking into danger. If it is a car accident or even if someone has collapsed in a public place, always evaluate the environment first.
  • Check for responsiveness: Shake the person’s shoulder gently and shout, asking if they are alright to figure out whether he is unconscious or not. This can assist you in determining the level of emergency as well. If there is no correct answer, it’s time to move forward.
  • Call for Help: Call 911. The faster an ambulance arrives, the better the survival chances for such a patient.
  • Look for Breathing: In the meantime, as you wait for the medical professionals to appear on site, find out if the patient is breathing. Put your ear to their mouth and nose, listen for the breath sounds, and look out for chest movements. Begin chest compressions immediately if they aren’t respiring or are only gasping.

Read More: BLS Certification Lookup Guide

How do you effectively perform chest compressions?

When it comes to saving a life, performing chest compressions is essential. It maintains the flow of blood, enabling it to deliver life-sustaining oxygen for the brain and body organs. Here are BLS instructions to perform chest compressions:

  • Position Your Hands Correctly: Put the heel in one hand at the center of a person’s chest. Next, put your other hand on top and interlock the fingers. It creates the needed power and also does not harm.
  • Apply Adequate Pressure: Push down at least 2 inches deep. This pressure is very sufficient to stimulate the heart since it implies a certain depth.
  • Maintain an Appropriate Speed: Perform chest compression at least 100 times per minute. This rate approximates the normal heartbeat rate.
  • Allow Chest to Rise Fully Between Compressions: After every compression, it is very essential to ensure that the chest rises back completely. This makes it possible for the heart to fill with blood before another compression, hence improving CPR.

What’s the correct way to open an airway and provide rescue breaths?

Among the most important steps in performing CPR are opening an airway and providing rescue breaths. Here’s how you can open an airway and provide rescue breaths:

  • Open the Airway: The first thing you should do is bring a person’s head back. Place one hand on your forehead or the top of your head, and another under your chin. This position works to free up the airway completely.
  • Check for Breathing: If the airway opens, then check for any respiratory activity. Search for the chest movement, hear the breath sounds, and feel them on your cheek. If the person is unconscious or makes only gasping respirations, begin with rescue breaths.
  • Provide Rescue Breaths: Prepare for two rescue breaths. Block the nose of that person, take a normal breath, cover your mouth with theirs, and blow until you see their chest rise.
  • Continue the Cycle: Then, after blowing into the patient for two rescue breaths, you should perform 30 chest compressions, followed by another couple of similar respiratory efforts.

Read More: Make BLS renewal an easy process

When and How to Use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)?

It is crucial to treat a person who is unresponsive and not breathing properly using an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a situation where sudden cardiac arrest has occurred. It is an electrotherapy medical device that analyzes the heart rate and, if required, delivers electrical shocks to resume a normal rhythm of contractions in order to save a life. Learn how to use an AED:

  1. Turn on the AED: It begins with turning on a device that typically comprises uncovering a lid or pressing any button.
  2. Attach the pads: Use the pads included in the device and apply them to your chest.
  3. Analyze Heart Rhythm: After applying the pads, the AED will automatically start performing the analysis of a heart rhythm.
  4. Deliver a shock, if Necessary: If the device determines that a shockable rhythm is present, it will tell you to push and deliver an electrical current.
  5. Continue CPR: Deliver the shock, then perform CPR until emergency medical services arrive or signs of recovery start to appear.


The five essential BLS guidelines are crucial in cases where adults are involved. Through the provision of safety, determining if a victim is responsive to stimuli and then calling for help; opening an airway regardless of whether breathing occurs or not while administering CPR can significantly increase survival rates. BLS step by step is a fundamental skill that every person should learn, and it can save a life. With timely action and basic life support steps, you could play a crucial role at the time when it is most important.
