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How to Plan and Prepare for Natural Disasters?

Disaster Scene With Wreckage

In spite of modern technology to predict dangerous natural calamities, many are still poor at preparing for them both at local and international scales. Most assume it will never happen to them which causes a shock when a natural calamity hits them. People need to know how to deal with issues that are caused by these natural causes. It is important to learn how to help the situation and others before help arrives. The first aid and CPR certification online is a great way to acquire life-saving skills that will come in handy during a natural disaster.

Preparing for Disasters

Have Helmets on Hand

Your head should be the first part of your body to protect since it is vital for the rest of the body. If you find buying helmets out of budget you can find used ones. Construction helmets or bike helmets will protect your head from falling debris and protect your head in case you fall face-first into something. Helmets are essential whenever there is an emergency in providing protection.

Have a Plan of Retreat

Some disasters require you to leave your home. Families need to have a plan of where to meet in case a natural disaster requires separation. Likewise, know which route you would take to safety whether or not you are together when disaster strikes. Also, establish a method to connect with one another in case of an emergency where there is no phone service or the phone service lines are jammed. Make sure you know how to reach or find each other when you are in a safe place.

Know about First Aid and CPR

Essentially, you have to know how to care for and treat most wounds on the go in case of a disaster. An important skill to know in a disaster situation is how to close wounds and clean cuts. Access to books or modules could tell you how to care for the more major wounds. Plus, ensure you have quick access to basic medical equipment and a first aid kit. This will allow you to help the wounded and bring them to safety. Remember, during disasters medical care is hard to come by and it is crammed. The medical teams can begin to focus on the more crucial patients if people like you are able to provide basic assistance to others. Also, know how to do CPR if someone suffers a heart attack during the disaster.

Have a Food Supply that is Well Stocked

It is recommended to have nonperishable food that will last your family at least a week in case of an emergency. Examples of food to keep handy are dry cereal, protein bars, peanut butter, crackers, nuts, dried food, and trail mix. If applicable, stock up on comfort food like cookies and chocolate to help keep you calm. Know the nearest source of fresh water and have methods of disinfecting it.

Having first aid experience is invaluable in emergencies and disasters. Get a first-aid certificate online today to help you better prepare to face an emergency.
