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First Aid for Epileptic Fits: Understanding Epileptic Fits

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Abnormal electrical activity in the brain is what causes epileptic fits, also known as seizures. Stress, a lack of sleep, or a medical condition are just a few things that can cause these fits. In this blog, we will discuss providing first aid to epileptic patients and how taking a first aid course or online CPR course from the American HealthCare Academy (AHCA) can help you be prepared for any adversity.

It can be a very stressful time for caregivers and families of people experiencing fits, and that’s why learning first aid for epilepsy is a good idea. AHCA offers online CPR and first aid courses, which are available 24/7. You can conveniently opt for these courses by registering on the American HealthCare Academy website. 

Through 3 simple steps today, you can get your CPR or first aid certification where you will also learn how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

What is An Epileptic Fit?

Epilepsy is a medical condition that causes recurrent seizures due to temporary changes in the brain’s electrical activity. Seizures are sudden changes in behavior caused by these electrical changes. Typically, the brain generates small electrical impulses in an organized manner.

Impulses travel through a network of nerve cells in the brain and chemical messengers called neurotransmitters to spread throughout the body. Epilepsy occurs when the brain’s electrical rhythms become unbalanced, leading to recurring seizures. These seizures are caused by sudden and synchronized bursts of electrical energy that can briefly affect consciousness, movements, or sensations. Typically, epilepsy is diagnosed after a person has experienced at least two seizures that cannot be attributed to a known medical condition, such as alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar.

Epileptic fits can be a scary experience for the person suffering from fits, and those around them. It’s important to understand what an epileptic fit is and know how to administer first aid to epilepsy patients. 

Symptoms of an Epileptic Fit

The symptoms of an epileptic fit can vary depending on the type of seizure. Some common symptoms include: 

  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Muscle stiffness

The person experiencing a seizure may also make strange noises, drool, or lose control of their bladder or bowels. It’s important to note that not all seizures are the same, and some people may exhibit different symptoms.

Causes of Epileptic Fits

Epileptic fits are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This can be due to various factors such as brain injury, infection, or genetics. However, in many cases, the cause of epilepsy is unknown. It’s important to note that epilepsy is not contagious and cannot be passed from person to person.

What can you do to help a person suffering from a fit?

If you witness someone having an epileptic fit, it’s important to stay calm and call 911. Here are some steps you can take to help:

Stay Calm and Take Action

The first thing to remember is to stay calm. It can be scary to witness someone having a seizure, but it’s important to remain composed. Make sure the person is in a safe place, away from any sharp objects or hazards. If possible, move any harmful objects or furniture away from the person.

What NOT to Do During an Epileptic Fit?

It’s important to know what not to do during an epileptic fit. 

  • Do not restrain the person or try to stop the seizure. 
  • It’s also important not to put anything in the person’s mouth, as this can cause injury.
  • Do not try to move the person unless they are in danger.

How to Help a Person Suffering from an Epileptic Fit?

The best way to help a person suffering from an epileptic fit is by :

  • Providing a safe environment and supporting their head with a soft object such as a cushion or pillow. 
  • Stay with the person until the seizure has ended, and make sure they are breathing properly. 
  • If the seizure lasts longer than five minutes, call for medical assistance. 
  • Learning first aid for epileptic seizure through online courses from American HealthCare Academy will prepare you for all crucial situations.

AHCA and Life Support Certification for Caregivers

As a caregiver, knowing how to respond to an epileptic fit can be a life-saving skill. At AHCA, we provide training for caregivers on how to handle emergencies like these. Obtaining online CPR BLS or first aid certification from us can equip you with the necessary skills to handle emergencies such as epileptic fits. You can check out the course demo to see what all will be covered in it. 


Whether it is a family member or a friend it is essential to stay prepared for whenever an emergency arises. Enroll with the American HealthCare Academy today and upskill so that you can save a life when the occasion arises.
