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How to Effectively Tackle DNR Orders When Saving a Life?

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In the event of some serious medical incidences or a cardiac arrest, A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order informs the doctor and all other medical staff that you do not want to benefit from any form of life-saving care such as CPR, artificial breathing, medication, or defibrillation. It is quite perplexing why one could choose to get a DNR. In some situations especially for the very frail, the elderly, or sick trying to save their lives can be more debilitating and painful warranting DNR orders. To learn more take your time to take CPR courses BLS for healthcare providers.

The chances of survival are quite mixed for anyone who suffers a cardiac arrest and gets CPR. For older patients, the survival rates are around 18-20%. Those who survive, have a 58% chance of living for one more year—and have a 48% chance of suffering little brain damage or none. This implies that the odds are still fairly grim.

It can be very traumatizing and painful to undergo extreme lifesaving measures. You need to know that CPR in itself can physically traumatize, especially for patients who are fragile. For example, the elderly could likely have more serious complications like broken ribs. Resuscitation sometimes entails passing a tube down the throat to aid in breathing or the application of a defibrillator shock which can be quite painful and can cause injuries in more adults.

Be Aware of Your Facility’s Policies

It is a common occurrence for the staff in certain facilities to not honor DNR orders. Some nursing home policies may clearly point this out. However, usually, things would be less clear on the ground. An employee who fails to save a life can be penalized even if he or she acted as per the hospital’s policies. If you have a DNR or a loved one has one, it is prudent to inquire from the medical staff that DNR is handled in that specific facility.

Get Your Family to Understand

It is advisable to let your family members know about your DNR order. This is because you may not be in a position to state your wish the moment you need lifesaving care. Letting them know will be very helpful, so they can advocate for your wish.

Know Your Health Condition

The chances of getting a good outcome are diminished if you are fragile. DNR orders are usually applicable for those suffering from a terminal illness or debilitating disease and the very elderly. In such cases, the performance of CPR may not be as beneficial.
