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5 Ways to Keep Student Athletes Safe During High Temperatures


Does your child struggle to keep up with practice with the temperatures rising? Do you find your kid exhausted due to the heat? With the rise in temperatures, there is also an increased risk for athletes during training. When it’s hot outside, it can be dangerous for student-athletes to play sports. But there are things we can do to keep them safe. Preventing heat-related illness should be a top concern for coaches, trainers and parents alike. The American HealthCare Academy offers blended first and cpr training courses so you can stay a step-ahead in times of emergencies. In this article below, we will discuss the effects of heat and humidity on athletic performance and the five ways to keep student-athletes safe during high temperatures.

What are the effects of heat and humidity on athletic performance?

When it’s hot and humid, it can affect how well athletes perform in sports. Here are a few ways it can affect athletic performance:

  • It gets difficult to catch your breath. When it’s hot and humid, the air is thicker and harder to breathe, making it harder for athletes to get enough oxygen.
  • It can make you feel tired and weak. When your body is working hard to stay cool, it can use up a lot of energy, leaving you feeling tired and weak.
  • It can cause cramps and injuries. When you’re hot and sweating a lot, your muscles can become dehydrated, which can lead to cramps and injuries.
  • It can make it harder to focus. When it’s hot, it can be hard to concentrate, which can make it harder to perform well in sports.

To avoid these effects, it’s important to stay hydrated, take breaks, and dress appropriately for the weather.

3 common heat-related emergencies to watch out for

To prevent heat-related illness, it’s crucial to watch out for heat-related emergencies. Here are three common emergencies to look out for and prepare to handle with first aid certification:

  1. Heat exhaustion: This happens when your body gets too hot and you become very tired, dizzy, and sweaty. You might also feel sick to your stomach and have a headache. If you have heat exhaustion, you need to rest in a cool place and drink water.
  1. Heat stroke: This is a very serious emergency that happens when your body gets too hot. Your body might stop sweating, you might feel confused, and you might even pass out. Heat stroke is very dangerous and you need to go to the hospital right away if you think you have it. With a first aid course you will know what are the 4 silent signs of a heart attack and access the situation.
  1. Sunburn: This happens when your skin gets too much sun and it becomes red, sore and hot. Sunburn can cause pain, blistering, and can increase the risk of skin cancer. It’s important to protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunblock and protective clothing. The knowledge of first aid is helpful. 

It’s important to remember to drink water, take breaks, and dress appropriately for the weather to avoid these emergencies.

5 ways coaches can keep their student athletes safe during rising temperatures

  1. Give them water breaks often. Athletes need to drink water to stay hydrated and cool.
  2. Make sure they wear light-colored, loose clothing. Light-colored clothes reflect the sun’s rays and loose clothes help the body stay cool.
  3. Have them take a break if they start to feel dizzy or sick. If an athlete doesn’t feel well, it’s important to stop and rest.
  4. Make sure they use sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
  5. Try to schedule practices or games for earlier or later in the day when it’s cooler.

Hot Weather Guidelines for Athletic Practice

If you are a student coach and are wondering, how to protect teen athletes from high heat and humidity? We’ve got you covered. When it’s hot and humid, it’s important to protect teen athletes from getting too hot and sick. It is essential to follow some guidelines to stay safe during athletic practice. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothes.
  • Avoid too many layers of clothing.
  • Take breaks often and rest in a cool, shaded area if feeling dizzy or sick.
  • Use sunscreen to protect the skin.
  • Try to schedule practices or games for cooler times of the day. 
  • Listen to your body, if you don’t feel well, it’s important to stop and rest.

What to wear in hot, humid weather?

When it’s hot and humid, student athletes should wear clothes that will keep them cool and comfortable. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Wear clothes that are light in color and can help keep you cooler.
  • Choose clothes that are made of breathable fabrics such as cotton or moisture-wicking fabrics. These fabrics help to keep the sweat away from the skin and keep you dry and cool.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes. Clothes that fit tightly trap heat and sweat close to your body which can make you feel hot and uncomfortable.
  • Don’t forget a hat or visor to protect your head and face from the sun.
  • Avoid wearing too many layers of clothing, it will trap heat and make you feel hot.


By following these five tips, we can help keep student-athletes safe during hot weather. Remember to drink water, wear cool clothes, take breaks if needed, use sunscreen, and schedule practice/game time during cooler hours of the day. Enroll on the American HealthCare Academy today and stay prepared for any emergency.
