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Have you ever dreamt of doing something different in life? Something that would help you help someone in need? Instead of choosing a career with money, you must learn a skill that can help humanity. The answer is a course specialized in first aid. While the sight of blood makes the strong-hearted faint, a first aid certification at American HealthCare Academy would prove to be helpful when a family member needs saving. While people claim to know the basics of first aid, the first aid certification at American HealthCare Academy is an essential training course that needs a place in the school syllabus as mandatory. In this blog, you will understand the basics of first aid and its importance in daily life.

Basics of first aid

Help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available is defined as first aid. A first aid box with a red doctor’s cross is kept at schools to provide immediate basic first aid until help arrives. You will find bandaids, gauze, scissors, antiseptic ointment, and tape to cure minor injuries. Besides this, you need presence of mind, patience and absolute alertness when providing first aid. If you register with the American HealthCare Academy, you will learn the below steps in their certification course.

  1. Before you tend to a person, make sure the environment is safe. If not, remove the person from the dangerous environment. 
  2. Check the person for signs of injury, or minor wounds and call the emergency medical response team (EMS) immediately.
  3. Inform the EMS of your situation and let them know, if there’s an AED on-site or not. Ask the person about their injury if they can talk. If there’s no response from the patient, check for a heartbeat and pulse and administer CPR as soon as possible. If the person has an open wound, use a first aid kit and provide over-the-counter medication.
  4. If the patient can respond, ask them for contact details of friends or family so that you can contact them. Ask bystanders to help you contact the patient’s immediate kin. Until then, keep a check on the patient’s vital stats.

Situations that require first aid

First aid can be anything from applying an ointment to your child’s wound to treating a minor burn. Not many people are aware of what first aid entails. Individuals must attain knowledge of first aid so that they can administer it properly. 

  1. Cardiac Arrest: When a person experiences cardiac arrest, it is crucial to act swiftly, especially in the first few minutes. These moments are crucial and can be the difference between life and death.
  2. Fractures: Broken bones need to be aligned. If you happen to be a first aider at the scene, call 9-1-1 and help the patient.
  3. Drowning: When a person drowns, the lungs get filled with water which can cause accidental death. You need to provide first aid for quick removal of water from the lungs, restarting their heart.
  4. Electric shock: If you happen to see a person get electrocuted in front of you, do not panic. Make sure you switch the power button off with a wooden stick. Then, check on the patient for signs of breathing and a heartbeat.
  5. Burns: Most of us have gotten burnt by accident in the kitchen by touching a hot pot of tea or touching a hot lid. You should keep your presence of mind and administer first aid until the EMS arrives.
  6. Choking: Remember if a person chokes, they only have a few minutes before their body goes into shock and the heart stops working. As a responsible first aider, you must immediately deliver the Heimlich maneuver. Some people require CPR to revive them.
  7. Bleeding: While paper cuts may not need first aid, other scrapes, cuts and wounds may need it. As a first aider, you need to investigate the wound for pieces of glass and debris. Be sure to keep yourself safe from unhealthy transfusions while administering first aid.

Why should you learn first aid?

Now that you understand the basics of first-aid, we want to help you understand its worth. 

  1. Learning first aid is a noble act. It may be helpful for a loved one or someone you don’t know. Either way, you get to be a Good Samaritan.
  2. Learning a first aid course helps you gain confidence. You get the power to help someone in need and become a superhero.
  3. With the knowledge of the best first aid CPR certification and the Heimlich maneuver up your sleeve, you can be a lifesaver. 
  4. First aid course certification helps your family, friends and loved ones, thus creating a safe living environment for them.
  5. Patients tend to recover if they have faith and trust in you. As a first aid, you need to tell the patient of your knowledge, and they will open up to you. The process helps the patient in healing faster.

Take AHCA’s online first aid course

If you’re looking for online first aid course certifications, opt for the American HealthCare Academy’s online course. Our courses provide you with more flexibility to complete the course at your own pace. Unlike other institutes that will rob you of your money, AHCA comes with accreditations you can bank on. Our courses are well-structured, with comprehensive study material put together from tutors from the American Heart Association. On completion of the course, AHCA grants you a certification and you will also earn educational credits. 


From school children to youngsters, parents, and elders, everyone should sign up for a first aid course at some point in their life. A first-aid certification course from the American HealthCare Academy will ensure your resume shines. It could help you get a well-paying job or a much-awaited promotion. Register on the AHCA website and start your first-aid journey.