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In-person training CPR (physical location)

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What is in-person CPR training?

In-person CPR training is a hands-on CPR class. Instructors will demonstrate CPR skills on manikins and teach the group how to perform CPR. This training helps prepare individuals for cardiac emergencies so they can respond with confidence.


Book training at a location & time that works for your group

Book training for your group


Practice CPR techniques with instructor feedback

Practice CPR techniques with instructor feedback


Pass your CPR quiz after hands-on practice

Pass your CPR quiz after hands-on practice


Get a nationally-accepted CPR card, 2 years validity

Get a nationally-accepted 2 year card

How it works: We’ll come to you!

You can book a hands-on CPR class, our team will find a time that works best for you and your group.

Instructor comes to site

Register online using a QR code

Begin training

Instructor brings all required learning materials

Learn with videos

Engage in training with videos and group discussions

Practice hands-on

Practice CPR skills using manikins

Download certificate

Pass the quiz and instantly download your certification`