Set up onsite training for your group or team with our certified instructors.
Trusted by 35,000+ Businesses & Brands
Book training at a location & time that works for your group
Book training for your group
Practice CPR techniques with instructor feedback
Pass your CPR quiz after hands-on practice
Get a nationally-accepted CPR card, 2 years validity
Get a nationally-accepted 2 year card
Here’s what you will learn
You can book a hands-on CPR class, our team will find a time that works best for you and your group.
Register online using a QR code
Instructor brings all required learning materials
Engage in training with videos and group discussions
Practice CPR skills using manikins
Pass the quiz and instantly download your certification
Empower them with In-Person CPR Training
Our courses are nationally-accepted and led by certified instructors
Do you also need PALS and ACLS certification? You can get CPR/BLS certification for free when you sign up.
We update our CPR courses to follow national emergency response standards and research.
Certified instructors create our courses to provide safety training for lay people & medical professionals.
Get credit hours for your training with us – provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine.
Sherri was such an amazing instructor. I felt like I’ve learn so much with her even though I’ve been certified for a few years now. I high recommend her to anyone out there looking for instructors.
I ordered a recert on a CPR BLS. Daisy helped me fix my purchasing mistake and gain access to my certificate. Daisy was friendly and quick to help me. I am please with my experience with this company.
The course was very informative and easy to follow. My online certification with Andrea was very beneficial and helped to apply practical use of the knowledge I obtained in the course.It is a really good course.
Schedule your in-person training today
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